View our expertly curated selection of top-quality ads
Choose a video that best reflects the personality of your brand.
With direction from you, we’ll tailor the customizable aspects video to your exact needs.
We are experts at HIGH FUNNEL ADS, meaning we create ads that generate awareness. The goal with these videos is to get traffic to the right place. Whether thats call now, visit a website, text a number - they are created to accomplish that goal. We get interested buyers to do the the next step and keep you top of mind through omnichannel video distribution.
The ads we create are designed to be used in paid advertising on Youtube, Social Media, LinkedIn, Local TV, or In-Stream Ads.
1: Can someone else have the same ad we do?
Not Exactly! That is how we keep the cost so low for you. We shoot multiple versions of each ad so someone else may be using a slightly different version. Also, the customizable sections of each video will obviously be different to reflect the branding of each individual
2: What if my target market sees the same ad from multiple advertisers?
Technically, this is possible but extremely unlikely. When you purchase a video, you will also input all of the zip codes in which you plan to use this in paid advertising. We never let the same ad be used in the same zip codes by different people. That said, we do not have a way to police this quite yet.
3: Can I see who is using the ad I am interested in?
When you decide on an ad to license, you can add your zip code at the bottom of the page. We will let you know if someone else within that zip code has purchased the rights to that ad. That way we can be more confident that there will be no overlap.
4: How much do your videos cost?
Our videos cost anywhere from $500-$5,000. The price varies depending on the complexity of the ad, optional add-ons, and ad usage. Each industry will be priced differently based on industry norms and regulations.
5: Do we have creative input on the videos?
The ads are already produced so those are set in stone. We attempt to get multiple versions with different lines and/or jokes to appeal to multiple audiences. When it comes to your branded section in the video, you can choose from one of our templates or work with our team for a more customized solution at an additional cost. If you have some ideas for videos, we are always happy to give discounts for intel on current industry trends.
6: Do you do the marketing of the videos we buy?
Not at the moment but we have plans for this in the near future
7: These ads have such little branding. How will the viewer know who we are?
These ads are high funnel ads, meaning they are designed to get people interested in the product you offer. Brand videos tend to be lower funnel ads. Every ad we create has the same goal of attracting your target market to what you offer. If marketed well, they will do just that. We trust that you have the ability to convert these cold leads to sales. We will lead the horse to water, you get them to drink.